Who we are
Partners Logo |
Participant name |
Profile of the organisation |
Main role inthe Consortium |
Contact person |
Association of cooperatives |
Coordinator of the project and specialized in energy efficiency in agro-industry. |
Juan SAGARNA sagarna@agro-alimentarias.coop Susana RIVERA rivera@agro-alimentarias.coop Irene CEREZO |
Association of cooperatives |
Coordinator of the French actions, and specialized in agro-industry processes. |
Laurent DUPONT Jeremie DESCOURS jeremie.descours@servicescoopdefrance.coop |
Confederação Nacional de Cooperativas Agrícolas e do Crédito Agrícola de Portugal, CCRL. |
Association of cooperatives |
Coordinator of the Portuguese actions, and specialized in agro-industry processes. |
Maria Antonia FIGUEIREDO antonia.figueiredo@confagri.pt
Catia ROSAS catia.rosas@confagri.pt |
Associazione Nazionale Cooperative Agroalimentari per lo Sviluppo Rurale |
Association of cooperatives |
Coordinator of the Italian actions, and specialized in agro-industry processes. |
Flaminia VITA |
Research center |
Coordinator of training in auditing and energy efficiency assessment. |
Abel ORTEGO aortego@unizar.es |
University |
Coordinator of the industrial processes analysis and improvement proposals, and expert in wineries. |
Joaquín FUENTES-PILA joaquin.fuentespila@upm.es |
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, L’Energia e lo Sviluppo Económico Sostenible |
Energy Agency |
Coordinator of tools and transfer of knowledge, and specialized in energy efficiency in agro-industry in general and particularly in fruits and vegetables processing plants. |
Carlo Alberto CAMPIOTTI carloalberto.campiotti@enea.it |
University |
Experts in energy efficiency, renewable energies and energy behavior in agriculture and agro-industries, including olive oil mills. |
Research center |
Experts in energy efficiency and processes in animal feed production. |
François LUCAS |